Tuesday, March 29, 2011

World leaders meet to put more pressure on Gadhafi

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World leaders will look for ways to strengthen the U.N. resolution that created a no-fly zone over Libya. STORY HIGHLIGHTSMore than 40 foreign ministers, regional groups and top diplomats will meet in LondonOrganizers say they want to strengthen no-fly zone in LibyaU.S. President Obama makes his case for intervention in LibyaRebels enter Gadhafi loyalist territory, then flee gunfireRELATED TOPICSUnited NationsLibya Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- As fighting between government and rebel forces rages on in several Libyan towns, world leaders will gather Tuesday in London to plan ways to put pressure on leader Moammar Gadhafi.More than 40 foreign ministers and representatives from regional groups will attend the conference, including U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Chairman of the African Union Jean Ping and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.The conference comes as opposition fighters, aided by coalition airstrikes, made some gains in fighting Gadhafi's forces. It also comes a day after U.S. President Barack Obama explained America's role in the conflict and declared that "history is not on Gadhafi's side."Organizers of the conference say the influential group will look for ways to strengthen the U.N. Security Council resolution approved on March 17 that created a no-fly zone above Libya and mandated the protection of civilians. They will also search for urgent ways to get humanitarian aid to war-torn cities like Misrata.Rebels are holding a tenuous grasp on some of the gains they made this week, but suffered setbacks Monday on their trek west into territory loyal to Gadhafi.As they moved into Umm el Ghindel -- near Sirte, Gadhafi's birthplace -- they found that Gadhafi's forces had armed residents in the area, they said. They beat a hasty retreat, they said. The ragtag group of amateur soldiers gained control of the town of Ras Lanuf, however. They also appeared to have taken control of the key oil town of al-Brega.In Misrata, battles that have been going on for weeks continued Monday, with both rebels and government forces claiming to have control of the city.The Libyan government took journalists to Misrata on Monday to prove that they still had control of the city but did not allow journalists into the city center, which rebels have said they control.Rebels have credited coalition airstrikes with helping them regain ground, noting that they had encountered little resistance as they headed west over the weekend. But they said they need more airstrikes to advance further.Decisions on future airstrikes will be made by NATO starting Wednesday, Obama said.Obama defended his decision to commit U.S. forces to the U.N. backed military intervention but said the U.S. would now have "a supporting role -- including intelligence, logistical support, search-and-rescue assistance, and capabilities to jam regime communications."One country criticized the military effort Monday.Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov complained that the coalition's actions seemed to expand beyond the U.N. resolution's scope. "There are reports -- which go undenied -- that the air forces of the coalition conduct airstrikes on Gadhafi's troops and support the military actions of rebels. There is an obvious controversy there," he told reporters in Moscow. "We believe that the interference into what is, essentially, an internal civil war is not sanctioned by the U.N. Security Council resolution."Russia abstained from voting on the U.N. Security Council resolution but did not veto it.NATO, which has 28 member countries, formally approved plans Sunday to take control of enforcing the U.N. Security Council resolution.The coalition enforcing the resolution has been led by the United States, the United Kingdom and France."Our mandate is very clear. We're there to protect civilians against attacks. No more, no less," NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told CNN.CNN's Reza Sayah, Arwa Damon, Nic Robertson, Paula Newton, Maxim Tkachenko and Yousuf Basil contributed to this report

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